Postage Stamps of Württemberg

Historical Context

  • Issuance Period: Württemberg issued its own postage stamps from 1851 to 1923. Initially, it was an independent kingdom, later becoming a state within the German Empire and subsequently the Weimar Republic.

Key Features

  1. Designs:
    • Early stamps featured the royal crest and numeral designs.
    • Later issues included portraits of rulers and various state symbols.
  2. Denominations:
    • Stamps were denominated in “Kreuzer,” “Pfennig,” and “Mark.”
  3. Colors:
    • Varied colors were used to indicate different denominations and periods.


  • Rarity and Value:
    • Württemberg stamps are collectible for their historical significance and design variety.
    • Notable items include early issues, errors, and rare denominations.


Württemberg’s postage stamps are significant for their rich historical context and distinctive designs, reflecting the state’s history and status within Germany. These stamps are of interest to collectors for their variety and the historical periods they represent. For a more detailed exploration, philatelic catalogs and resources can provide extensive information.