German War and Propaganda Fakes

Historical Context

During World War II, both the Allies and Axis powers created fake stamps as part of psychological warfare and propaganda efforts. These fakes were designed to undermine enemy morale and convey propaganda messages.

Key Features

  1. Propaganda Stamps:
    • Designed to look like regular postage but included altered or subversive images and messages.
    • Often featured caricatures, anti-Semitic imagery, or altered portraits of leaders.
  2. Forgeries:
    • Created to disrupt postal services, confuse the enemy, or for intelligence operations.
    • High-quality forgeries mimicking regular stamps but with subtle differences.


  1. Operation Cornflakes:
    • A notable Allied operation that involved dropping fake stamps and propaganda leaflets into Germany with mail.
  2. German Forgeries:
    • Included British stamps altered to feature negative propaganda about British leaders and policies.


These stamps are highly collectible due to their unique historical context and rarity. They offer insights into the psychological and propaganda tactics used during wartime. Authenticity and provenance are crucial for these items, making them a specialized niche within philately.