Introduction of the website My Post Stamps

Dear members of the stamp association,

  • As members of our association, we are always looking for ways to make our hobby even more fun and interesting. That is why we would like to inform you about a current opportunity that can enrich your collecting experience.

Introducing:  My Post Stamps

  • This concerns the website My Post Stamps , an innovative website specially designed for stamp collectors like you. This website not only provides a platform to expand your collection, but also allows you to sell your stamps in a simple and efficient way.This both inside and outside our stamp association.

How does it work?

The process is simple and effective, especially when several members of our association participate as sellers:

  • List your lots online
    Members of the association can easily place their lots (groups of stamps) on the website. This gives your lots maximum visibility among fellow collectors.
  • Express interest
    Interested buyers can email the seller via the website to express their interest and request that the lot be brought to the club.
  • Transactions on the club night
    The seller brings the lots to the next club evening. The interested buyer can then personally inspect the stamps before the transaction takes place. In principle, the seller does not need to upload an image of the lot. He can also describe the lot well in the description of the lot.

Benefits for members

  • Ease – No need to go through complicated shipping procedures. You can offer the stamps directly to your fellow members.
  • Safety – By having the transactions take place during the club night, you minimize the risk of problems with shipping or payment.

Sense of community

  • This approach promotes interaction and cooperation within our association, making our club evenings even more lively and interesting.

Good price

  • You offer your lots at a fixed price. So you will not be surprised by a yield that is too low, such as at an auction!

Publish articles

  • You can have articles placed on the website under your own name.

Participate and benefit!

  • We are convinced that My Post Stamps can be a valuable addition to our association. The more members participate, the greater the supply and demand will be, which is beneficial for everyone. We therefore cordially invite you to visit the website and place your lots online.

More information

For more information about using the website or if you need help listing your lots, please visit or contact our board (or webmaster). We are happy to help you!
We hope that you are enthusiastic about this new opportunity and that together we can make our club evenings even more successful. We wish you much fun and success with your collection and hope to see you soon at!